Red polled (homogenous preferred) bull, 3 years or younger age. Must be Beta Casein A2 A2, Kappa Casein B/B, Beta Lactoglobulin B/B. If the bull hasn’t been tested for the milk protein traits he can be tested at Neogen Lab in Lincoln, Nebraska. Contact the lab and they will give you the information required for the milk test, the cost of the test is $15.00. If your bull’s test results are what I’m looking I would be interested in importing him into Canada, I’m located in Alberta, near Edmonton. I would want to have the bull imported for this summer breeding, so there is a time factor involved. Contact: Adrian Hykaway email: hykaway@mcsnet.ca, phone 780-998-7358, cell 780-729-7358 ADCA member # 12769 |